Workers compensation lawyers

Why Choose Us

  • No Win-No Fee Policy

    Frisina Lawyers have a no win – no fee policy. Ask us for details when you come to your obligation free first appointment

  • Obligation-Free First Consultation

    You can see us to explain your situation and find out where you stand with absolutely no obligation. You will not be charged if you decide you do not want us to act for you.

  • We Invest in Your Claim

    When you make a claim, having the right medical and other evidence to support your claim is crucial. Frisina Lawyers have the expertise to know what evidence is required to achieve the best possible outcome for your claim. In most cases, we will pay expert report fees for you upfront and you will not have to pay us back until your claim is finished and the insurance company pays your compensation.

  • We Understand The Medicine

    We have an in-depth understanding of the medical assessment process. We take the time to properly scrutinize each and every medical assessment of your claim. If a medical assessment or decision is incorrect, we have the necessary expertise to challenge it.

  • Accredited Specialists

    Anthony Frisina is an accredited specialist in personal injury law, having undertaken a rigorous assessment and examination process to gain formal recognition of legal excellence.

  • We Give Your Claim Our Full Attention and Scrutiny

    We take a methodical and efficient approach to preparation of your claim. Our methods have been developed over years of specialist practice in the field of personal injury law. We strive to make sure everything happens just when it should. However, sometimes a quick result is not the best result. We make sure that we give your claim the full attention it deserves, and we look for every way to achieve the best outcome for you

  • Client Service - Our Mission

    For many people, a claim will be the first time they have ever needed a lawyer. We understand that this can be a time of anxiety and uncertainty for you. We pride ourselves on providing first rate quality service to our clients. Our role is to guide you through the challenging and often confusing claims process. Our mission is to give you expert legal advice in language you can understand. We will keep you informed every step of the way, and we’ll treat you with dignity and respect.

Need Help? First Consultation Free

If you're not sure from where to start for your claim process or need guidance related to your compensation claim, you can book a free first consultation with us Today.

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