A motor vehicle accident isn’t over for many individuals once they’ve been in one. The emotional and physical issues that develop as a result of a motor vehicle accident can sometimes last for years. It may never be over. Motor accidents can cause extensive bodily damage and trauma, rendering you unable to work and live the life you once knew. It is difficult to return to your old self, and many individuals might have to live with crippling conditions for the rest of their lives.
Most of the time, it was not you who caused the motor accident, but someone else. To make matters worse, if you are not at fault, it is your obligation to go through all of those hoops and hurdles in order to receive the motor accident compensation you may be entitled to in NSW.
As a consequence of a motor accident, many victims are unaware that they may be entitled to recover damages. This may includes
• Pain and Suffering; and/or
• Lost wages for any inability to work
This is not an easy process, and this is where a motor accident compensation lawyer in Sydney can help you through this process.
Any victim of a motor vehicle accident (whether a cyclist, motorcycle rider, or pedestrian) is entitled to claim compensation. However, the most important point to note is the time limit. There is no way you can ignore this and make the claim when it suits you.
After an accident, you should contact a compensation lawyer who can begin the process of getting compensation for your injuries. Depending on the type of claim, your motor accident lawyer in Sydney will explain the time limits you have. It is important that you treat you claim with a sense of urgency so you should contact a motor accident compensation lawyer right away.
Depending on the claim, a normal turnaround time for motor accident injury damages claims in Sydney is 3-5 years. For individuals who have recently been in a motor vehicle accident, this may seem like a long time, especially if you are experiencing financial hardship as a result of your inability to work due to the accident.
It’s a nightmare, and we understand entirely. Frisina Lawyers are on your side and will do all possible to expedite your case.
For most people, 3-5 years is a long time to wait. You need money to survive. Waiting for long lengths of time is not acceptable and may be aggravating.
Nevertheless, there are reasons why a claim takes so long:
• You can only make one common law damages claim, so as a motor accident victim, you want to be sure that you have gathered all the necessary evidence and are following the right procedures in the compensation process. Rushing this process might result in you not obtaining the compensation you deserve.
• It will take some time for many physical injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident to stabilize. Some injuries may require further treatment such as surgery and so you must wait for the injuries to be treated before you can proceed with a claim.
Make sure you complete you initial claim form for statutory benefits with the necessary CTP insurance company within 3 months of the accident to access treatment and income support benefits. This may assist in relieving some pressures caused by your injuries.
Furthermore, a professional compensation lawyer, like the team at Frisina Lawyers, is familiar with the claims process and can help you with your claim. Frisina Lawyers may take on your claim on a no-win, no-fee basis, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So, if you are injured in an accident, get in touch for more details and for a free consultation!